We at CLNS media are sickened by the latest act of police brutality by white police officers on an unarmed defenseless black man.
What happened to Jacob Blake will haunt us all for the rest of our lives. It cannot be unseen. One can only imagine the horror inflicted upon Blake’s 3 children who had to watch as their father was shot 7 times in the back and left paralyzed from the waste down by white police officers in Wisconsin.
We stand with NBA Players and all athletes who choose to boycott sports at this time and support them should they decide not to return.
Despite the many efforts made by athletes, activists, protesters and all those who strive for social justice, it is clear nothing has changed. Nothing can change unless we continue to shine a light on the racially motivated atrocities that are being perpetrated on black people across America and throughout the world.
We are sad. We are scared. We are angry. We demand accountability. We demand change. We demand Justice for Jacob.